On August the 28th, UN Women held a seminar on Women’s safety and access to affordable and gender-responsive housing: experiences in Latin America, focusing on the lack of housing for women and unemployment, which have been identified as mechanisms that increase domestic violence and various other forms of violence, especially for women who live in poverty and suffer multiple and interconnected forms of discrimination based on factors such as age, ethnicity, disability, immigration status, etc. The seminar also discussed the results of research into shelter services for women victims of violence, which had the contribution of Leila Linhares Barsted.

The event was coordinated by Flor Maria Días from UN Women, and featured speakers Susana Chiarotti, from the Follow-up Committee of the Inter-American Convention of Belém do Pará – MESECVI, Nadya Rangel Radam, District Secretary of Habitat in Bogotá, Colombia, Nora Libertun de Duren, Lead Specialist in Gender and Urban Projects, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), María Elena Espinoza, Specialist in Territorial Planning, Urban Development and UN-Habitat, and Carla Tovar Triana,
Director of Sustainable Urban Planning IMPLAN of Mexico.

Leila Linhares Barsted, a member of MESECVI, accompanied the seminar.

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