
On December 7th, the CEPIA General Assembly was held, bringing together its Board of Directors and Assembly of Associates. Comba Marques Porto, President of the Board of Directors, Branca Moreira Alves, Vice President, Director Miriam Ventura da Silva and...

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The State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers (FEPETI-RJ) completed two decades of work in defense of the rights of children and adolescents, in particular the prevention and eradication of child la...

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In October, CEPIA concluded the cycle of workshops on Preventing Violence and Strengthening Rights at the Baden Powell Public High School, in partnership with RAP da Saúde, from the Municipal Health Department. There were 6 meetings involving 54 adolesce...

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In partnership with the Instituto Cultura Urbana, CEPIA concluded, on December 14th, another workshop with teenagers participating in this Institute. The 4 meetings that were held monthly, since September, aimed to talk to girls about self-knowledge, self...

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On December 18th, CEPIA launched the 5th episode of its podcast series. In this episode, entitled Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents, we had the participation of Adriano Cypriano, who works at the Center for the Defense of the Rights of Chil...

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Lawyer Leila Linhares Barsted is a central figure in the fight against violence against Brazilian women. A member of the Maria da Penha Law Consortium, she was one of those responsible for drafting the bill that would become one of the most advanced piece...

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