In Brazil and in the world, June 12 was established as the Day to Combat Child Labor.

Child labor constitutes a serious violation of the rights of children and adolescents,  compromising their physical and mental potential, limiting the right to health, education, family and community life and the right to play.

With a focus on problematizing the issue and mobilizing government agents and civil society, the State Secretariat for Social Development and Human Rights – SEDSODH, Municipal Secretariat for Social Assistance – SMAS, the Regional Superintendence of Labor – SRT/RJ, and the State Forum  for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and
Protection of the Adolescent Worker of Rio de Janeiro – FEPETI/RJ, in partnership with  other member entities, including CEPIA, which is part of the Collegiate Coordination of the Forum, will promote on June 20, in the Salão Nobre of the OAB/RJ, from 9 am to 4 pm, the event Protecting childhood is to enhance the future of children and adolescents, arrives together to end child labor.

Registration for participation in the event can be done here

The agenda of the event is available below.

Say NO to child labor.

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