Pioneer women in the legal profession and gender equality activists, founders of OAB Mulher and active lawyers in the constituent process, were honored on March 22nd, in the historic plenary of the Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (IAB).

At the ceremony, held in partnership with the Brazilian Bar Association of Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ), the Myrthes Campos Medal, one of the pioneer lawyers to join the Institute, was handed to Gloria Marcia Percinoto, Leila de Andrade Linhares Barsted and Ana Muller.

In her speech, Leila Linhares highlighted, besides the work for the foundation of OAB Mulher, a formation process forged during the fight for the end of the dictatorship and for the re-democratization of politics and Law institutions. “We are still sewing our struggles and rights, and OAB Mulher was very important in our experience as lawyers, not only because we found ourselves as women united by the same objectives, but also because we were willing to fight for space.

To see the full text of the event, access here

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