
During the months of April and May, CEPIA held the second edition of the training Sharing knowledge, strengthening dialogues, in partnership with the Municipal Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro, through the Health at School Program. This training ...

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Renata Izaal, published at ELA magazine of the newspaper O Globo on  May 15 an article  about the books Feminismo no Brasil Memórias de Quem Fez Acontecer ( Feminism in Brazil, Memories from Those Who Made It Happen) and Feminista eu? Lireratura cine...

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CEPIA, in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation| Canal Futura, held the Se Liga no Plano  (let’s Talk about his Plan) workshop, bringing together more than 30 teenagers and young people to share their opinions, desires and concerns about ...

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On May 23, the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents (PMEVSCA) will be launched. This Plan was the result of a joint effort involving representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, including CEPIA,...

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TV Cultura’s Metropolis program interviewed Branca Moreira Alves and Jacqueline Pitanguy, who talked with journalist Adriana Couto about democracy, feminism, constituent, racism and other themes addressed in the book Feminismo no Brasil: Memórias d...

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CEPIA, along with partner organizations of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA-Rio), marks the date of May 18, National Day to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents with various activities. To...

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Débora Pinheiro from CEPIA’s team was one of the interviewees on the Globo Comunidade program that aired on May 22nd. The Program addressed the launch of the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents in the Municipa...

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Journalist Mara Régia, was in charge of the series of podcasts “Women for Peace”, produced by the team of the Viva Maria Program, of the Brazilian Communication Company (EBC). In the seventh episode of the series, on the 90 day eve of Russia&...

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On May 23, the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents (PMEVSCA) was launched. It is  the first Municipal Plan addresing these types of violence committed against children and adolescents. The event brought together more...

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Between May and June, CEPIA develops a series of workshops with a group of students from the Henrique Dodsworth Public High School, addressing the 10 Life Skills of World Health Organization. The purpose of the workshops is to present the Skills and, at t...

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Benedita da Silva receives the Abdias Nascimento Diploma. Deserved tribute to a great woman. Daughter of a domestic worker Benedita was a councilor, deputy, senator and governor, always defending the agendas of equality and social justice. The session wil...

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The Permanent Forum of Domestic and Gender Violence of the School of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) promoted on May 31st, the event Feminicide how to prevent and confront it, coordinated by Leila Linhares Barsted, member of this Forum....

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On May 30 and 31st, the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), promoted its annual meeting bringing together its partner organizations. The meeting that took place in Stockholm was of great importance, not only for the topics covered, but also for bein...

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The Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) with the participation of the partner organizations  CEPIA, ADFM (Democratic Association of Women of Morocco) and GIPS/WAR (Groupe d’Initiatives pour le Progrès Social/West Africa Region), held a side e...

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The Maria da Penha Law Consortium, of which CEPIA is a member, as well as CFEMEA – Centro Feminista de Estudos e Assessoria, CLADEM – Comité Latino Americano e do Caribe para a Defesa dos Direitos da Mulher, NEPEM – Núcleo de Estudos e...

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