From 11th to 13th October the VII International Congress on Human Rights of Coimbra – A transdisciplinar vision, took place.

Mariana Barsted was present at the symposium Access to justice and legal-institutional responses in confronting violence against women from an intersectional perspective, coordinated by Priscila Coelho and Maurício Buosi Lemes, presenting the research Gender stereotypes: reflection on the Judiciary and Family Law.

Mariana reflects on how moral values may be imbricated in the actions and decisions in family courts, persisting as symbolic and factual violence against women and with serious and profound impacts on their lives. Despite advances in the field of women’s human rights, the hierarchical culture of domination persists, and education for equality and public policies aimed at achieving an equitable situation in the social world are of fundamental importance, in order to transform the culture, rewrite history and move towards a culture of equality, dignity and respect for all people.

To know more about the themes debated in the Congress access the link

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