IBAM, the Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration, launched the WebDocumentary Women and the Legislature: Stories that intersect.

The 1st episode of the WebDocumentary has as its theme: ‘Feminist participation in the Federal Constitution of 1988: victories and challenges’ and had the participation of Benedita da Silva (PT/RJ), Constituent Representative (1987-1988); Jacqueline Pitanguy, President of the National Council for Women’s Rights (CNDM), (1986-1989); Leila Linhares Barsted,  Feminist activist in 1986; Anna Maria Rattes, Constituent Deputy (1987-1988) and feminist activist and Hildete Pereira de Melo, CNDM Councilor (1986) and Professor at the Fluminense Federal University.

To watch the documentary click here

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