CEPIA, in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), continued in August the 10th edition of the Training of Facilitators, which occurred online, starting in July and ending in August. There were 4 days of training that brought together a group of women from different areas of activity, from several Brazilian states, as well as participants from Angola and Mozambique.

CEPIA and WLP consider it fundamental to reflect and strengthen democracy in the face of the political situation in Brazil, especially in this year of presidential elections. The title given to the 10th edition of the Training was Empowerment of Women and Reflections on Democracy, based on a Manual recently adapted and translated by CEPIA, produced by WLP, entitled Beyond Equality: A Manual for Human Rights Defenders.

On August 1st Leila Linhares Barsted approached the subject of the human rights of women and the Constitution of 1988, calling attention to the importance of knowing and divulging these rights to strengthen the struggle of women.

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