
The Law School of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) and its Department of Theories and Foundations of Law held, on July 1st, in its Main Hall, the first seminar of the Project Training in Action for the Protection of Human Rights, aimed at law sc...

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The Institute for Collective Health Studies (IESC) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Human Rights and Health (LIDS) and several partners, among them CEPIA, held the third session of the Extension Cour...

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The Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC/RJ), within its Specialization Course in Human Rights, coordinated by Professor Marcia Bernardes, promoted, on July 12th, a class on Women’s Struggle in the Constituent Process, with Jacqueli...

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The Observatório do Clima (Climate Observatory), through its Gender and Climate Working Group, is organizing the virtual panel Gender and climate change: actions and proposals based on the experiences of grassroots women acting in various territories at ...

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On July 14, a meeting of the Community of Practice Empowerment of Girls and Young People was held, promoted by EMpower in conjunction with the Tiempo de Juego Foundation of Colombia, bringing together organizations from Latin America that develop activiti...

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Comba Marques Porto, President of CEPIA’s Board of Directors, reflects in the article entitled Our body, our life: for the right to decide on the abortion issue in Brazil, bringing her experience as a lawyer, labor judge and feminist activist. Acces...

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CEPIA is part of Fòs Feminista, an initiative that brings together organizations from different countries that share the mission of fighting for women’s sexual and reproductive rights. On July 20, the Regional Initiative meeting was held, which bro...

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On July 25th, International Day of Latin American and Caribbean Women and National Day of Tereza Benguela, the Municipal Council for Women’s Rights promotes a round of conversation entitled Advances, achievements, and challenges for black women in B...

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CEPIA, in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), launched its 10th edition of  the Training of Trainers (TOT) initiative. The training takes place online on July 25th and 27th  and on August 1st and 3rd , gathering a group of wom...

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CEPIA, in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), continued in August the 10th edition of the Training of Facilitators, which occurred online, starting in July and ending in August. There were 4 days of training that brought togethe...

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The Working Group on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination (GTG) of the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), led by the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile, promoted, on August 2nd, the Webinar Inter...

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A Public Act in Defense of Democracy will take place on August 11th. It will be marked by a collective reading of the Letter to Brazilians  in Defense of the Democratic State of Law by a group of women organizations and other institutions including AMB R...

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The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) promoted on August 4th the webinar The Situation of Women in the Region, organized jointly with the Permanent Representation of Peru to ...

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UN Women, represented by Maria Noel Vaeza, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean organizes periodic on line meetings with women’s rights organizations in the Region in which CEPIA participates. On an August 4th meeting UN Women presented the ...

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Reaffirming their commitment to democracy, women’s organizations such as AMB/RJ, CAMTRA, CEPIA, Colectivo Feminista 4 D, Colectivo Feminista do PSOL, Coletivo Juntas, CRIOLA, GRAM, PEITAMOS, REDEH and UBM called for the reading of the Letter to Braz...

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