
The Impulsor Core of the organizations Criola, Coletivo Feminista of Self-Care and Care among Women’s Human Rights Defenders, Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Quilombola Peoples of Santa Rita and Itapecuru Mirim, Xingu Forever Alive Moveme...

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The ELAS+ Donate to Transform Fund celebrated on August 30th its 22 years of operation, bringing together representatives of various organizations supported by the Fund to celebrate its history. CEPIA was present in this celebration.

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The Permanent Forum on Bio-law, Bioethics and Gerontology of the Escola de Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) held a Seminar on Black Women and Culture on 31st August, coordinated by Judge Cristina Gulia and Judge Maria Aglaé Tedesco, which...

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The Permanent Forum of Biodireit, bioethics and gerontology of the School of Magistrature of the State of Rio de Janeiro – EMERJ held, on August 31st, the Round Table The Black Woman and the Culture. CEPIA was present in this event.

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CEPIA, in  partnership with  Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), launches the publication Participação política das mulheres e violência política contra as mulheres: diálogos latinoamericanos pela democracia e pelos direitos humanos das mulheres...

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On September 8, Jacqueline Pitanguy,  invited by Professor Marilene Nascimento, from the Instituto de Saúde Coletiva at Universidade Federal Fluminense, participated in a virtual class with students from the discipline Supervised Field Work – Wome...

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TV Globo’s Jornal Nacional program is showing the series Brazil in Constitution. On September 12 the TV program showed the historical role of women during the work of the National Constituent Assembly, bringing a historical overview of the conquest ...

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Criar Brasil and the Rio de Janeiro Journalists Union, with the support of Heinrich Böll Foundation, held, on September 13th, the Seminar Against Hate and Disinformation. Leila Linhares Barsted and Fabiana Pinto, from Marielle Franco Institute, participa...

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IBAM, the Brazilian Institute of Municipal Administration, launched the WebDocumentary Women and the Legislature: Stories that intersect. The 1st episode of the WebDocumentary has as its theme: ‘Feminist participation in the Federal Constitution of ...

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CEPIA is launching the publication Political Training and Capacity Building Meetings for Women: experiences, resistances and action strategies. This publication is the result of 4 days of meetings, which took place in October 2021, with the support of Uni...

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On September 16th, it was held at the Museum of History and Afro-Brazilian Culture (Muhcab), the official celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Criola organization with the participation of women who were together in the historical building of the or...

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The Fluminense Forum for More Women in Politics held on 26th September, the webinar Elections 2022: Political violence of gender and the campaign of women, which included presentations by Ligia Fabris, professor at the Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Fo...

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CEPIA joins the Women’s Learning Partnership in solidarity and support to women in Iran. Justice for Mahsa Amini and Freedom for Women in Iran Once again I am heartbroken at the loss of yet another woman at the hands of Iran’s repressive regime. T...

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On September 30, closing the month of Yellow September, which is dedicated to suicide prevention, CEPIA held, in partnership with the Health Department’s RAP program, workshops at the Henrique Dodsworth Municipal School on valuing life. The workshop...

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The Mechanism to Follow-up the Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women – Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Centro de Intercambio y Servicios Cono Sur Argentina (CISCSA...

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