Collective manifestation of health, legal, scientific and university entities and social movements for the revocation of the guide “Technical Care for the Prevention, Evaluation and Conduction of Abortion Cases

More than 100 organizations, including CEPIA, as well as health, legal, scientific and university organizations and social movements, have manifested their opposition, having elaborated a joint document requesting the revocation of the guide “Technical Care for the Prevention, Evaluation and Conduction in Cases of Abortion” of the Ministry of Health and requesting the postponement of the Public Hearing on this “guide”, scheduled for June 28th, 2022.

Access here the full text of the joint Manifestation, in Portuguese:

“The signatory organizations understand that the disclosure of the hearing with only 7 (seven) days in advance, the absence of information about the registration for oral exposure and the face-to-face format harm social participation and, therefore, the democratic legitimacy of the event.”

“The entities present, in all, twenty-one (21) recommendations addressed to the Ministry of Health, which they require to be considered for the formulation of public policies, including documents, that address health care for women and girls in cases of legal abortion and abortion complications. All 21 recommendations are followed by justifications and duly referenced, and conclude that the document should be revoked as a matter of urgency, under penalty of undermining the humanized care of people in abortion situations, putting at risk the health and life of girls, women and pregnant people.”