On  June 15th, FEPETI/RJ (State Forum to Eradicate Child Labor and to Protect the Adolescent workers) , in partnership with the Municipal Social Assistance Department of Rio de Janeiro, and in conjunction with the CMDCA-RIO and other organizations, held an event at the Museum do Amanhã, to celebrate the date of   June 12th , International and National Day to Combat Child Labour. CEPIA , which integrates FEPETI/RJ, was represented by Andrea Romani.

The event’s central theme was “social protection and child labor” and featured two panels – Social protection and child labor: challenges and mobilizations and  Mobilization and Experiences in combating child labor in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to cultural activities.

Participants alert for the growing number of child labor in Brazil and the importance of not naturalizing this situation. Felipe Cunha, young activist and Law student, former victim of child labor, comments in his exhibition: “How many potential beings have we already lost to child labor in our country? How many people who can not dream?

Research by Fundação Abrinq warns of the presence of  1.3 million adolescents in child labor, 66.4% are boys and 33.6% are girls.

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