On June 13, the second meeting  Latin American Dialogues for Democracy and Women’s Human Rights took place, an initiative of CEPIA in partnership with  Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP).

The initiative seeks a dialogue between women’s organizations from different countries in the region aiming to strengthening a joint agenda for women’s human rights. From the panorama built in the first meeting and a survey sent to the participants, the thematic of  political participation of women, especially political violence against women, was selected as the central theme of the second meeting. As pointed out by the participants, this violence, sometimes naturalized in the spaces of power, is present in the various contexts, even in those where women have already achieved greater representation in the spaces of power.

The meeting was attended by the Brazilian organizations CRIOLA and the Gender and Climate Group, along with  CEPIA. Representatives from GENDES, Mexico, CIDEM, Bolivia and La Antigona, Peru were also present.

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