On April 19, the day of indigenous peoples, we invited Ellen Acioli, an indigenous women from the Sateré Mawé ethnic group, feminist, conservationist and climate activist to answer the question:
What are the strategies adopted by indigenous women to avoid the environmental degradation of natural resources in the Amazon?
“Brazil is one of the countries that emits the most greenhouse gas due to deforestation linked to agricultural activities, grain cultivation and mining. These activities are promoted by the policies of the current federal government. It is key that we, indigenous women, occupy decision-making positions – where deliberations about the use of our territories are taking place. In Brazil the Bancada do Cocar [Headdress Caucus] was recently launched, it is a political caucus made up of indigenous women from various indigenous groups where they can launch their pre-candidacy to run for federal and state level political positions for the 2022 national elections. These indigenous women aim to defend in the Parliament a feminist and socio-environmental agenda that reflects the demands of those who are on the ground.
In addition to thinking about new policies, at this moment in the national political context, it is necessary to block bills such as Law Projects #490/2007 and #191/2020 that threaten rights already conquer.”