As a follow up of the  event Feminist Leadership and Climate Justice: an intersectional dialogue across borders, organized by CEPIA in partnership with the WLP (Women’s Learning Partnership), at the Parallel Forum of NGOs of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 66), each of the speakers were invited to answer one of the questions received  during the event. The responses are being published on the social media of CEPIA and WLP.

The first guest was Selma Dealdina,  a leader at  the Quilombola movement and also an anti-racist activist, who spoke about  environmental racism. Selma’s testimony, transcribed below, is also on our social media Cepia Cidadania.

“Quilombola women are already working to confront environmental racism.
The perseverance of these women and men in their lands, that make up this black agricultural community, this quilombola community, is already a reflection of our struggle against environmental racism.
Our territories are the most targeted territories, the most wanted territories, the territories under dispute by the investors for the implementation of its development projects, its agricultural expansion projects. They have excluded our people, the Quilombola community, who have historically and ancestrally occupied these territories.
Our fight is every day, we have even lost lives to confront the big latifundium and the big process of environmental racism that is so strong and so present in the quilombola territories.”

To watch the event Feminist Leadership and Climate Justice: An Intersectional Dialogue Across Borders, access