
On February 24th, CEPIA celebrates this achievement of Women’s vote in Brazil,  by  promoting a live conversation on  democracy and the challenges of women’s participation in politics. This live is part of our monthly lives Trajectories, a ...

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This important Agreement was renewed for 2022 and in February 24th CEPIA has participated on a planning meeting with Professors Miriam Ventura and Richard Parker, from the IESC to plan  the joint activities to be developed this year, which might include ...

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This important achievement was commemorated by the Viva Maria radio program conducted by  journalist Mara Régia,  interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy and presented excerpts from the Cepia podcast where Branca Moreira Alves and Benedita da Silva talk about...

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CEPIA held the third meeting between mothers of teenagers on February 24th, with the theme How to be a friend, without stop being a mother? The meeting, facilitated by Karla Oldane and Andrea Romani, had as guiding questions: What does it mean to be your ...

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By joint initiative CIAMAC, Radio Violeta of Mexico City, and MESECVI – Committee of Experts of the Mechanism to Follow Up on the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention of Belém do Pará produced the radio program “Latente Libres...

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In celebration of March 8 – International Women’s Day – CEPIA launches today the campaign ”Woman, you can decide!”. This campaign aims to dialogue with women, in their diversity, about reproductive justice. Throughout the mon...

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CEPIA gathered on its social media a set of advices  from and to  woman who have attended the workshop Woman beyond Mother , which is part of a series of meetings with mothers of teenagers being promoted by CEPIA. These advices reflects the mothersR...

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On March 8, a symbolic date for the celebration of women’s rights, it will take place the launch of the book  Feminismo no Brasil: memórias de quem fez acontecer (Feminism in Brazil: memories of those who made it happen), by Branca Moreira Alves a...

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With great sadness, CEPIA express its regret for the death of Cristina Alvim Castello Branco, dear Kiki, with whom we had the opportunity to develop join projects in defense of youth’s health and rights. A tireless advocate of STI/AIDS prevention po...

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On March 9th CEPIA was present, represented by Leila Linhares Barsted, in the webinar Feminismos + Igualdad de género + Pensamiento Crítico, promoted by the University of Chile. In this webinar, that counted with the participation of the philosopher Jud...

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CEPIA has started a new partnership with the Henrique Dodsworth Public High School  including training activities with the School’s faculty as well as with the students. The workshop, facilitated by Thais Silveira, psychologist and educator, are ba...

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Anna Maria Rattes, an activist for women’s rights and former constituent presented on March 11 her youtube Program In the Family in which she interviewed Branca Moreira Alves and Jacqueline Pitanguy on their book Feminism in Brazil, memories of those wh...

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The Vamos Juntas Institute is a non-partisan organization that proposes to encourage women to participate in politics, which is certainly necessary in Brazil, as we occupy one of the last positions among the UN countries regarding the presence of women in...

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Three artivism projects were contemplated in the first #OcupaManaPorJustiçaReprodutiva: Grupo de Amigas do Morro da Cruz (RS), Girl Up Nise da Silveira (RJ) and Audácia Delas (BA). This is a collective initiative of the organizations Anis – Instit...

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The regional initiative of Fòs Feminista held its monthly meeting on March 16, bringing together the various organizations from Latin America that are part of this regional initiative for Reproductive Rights and justice. The main agenda of the meeting  ...

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