
Throughout the month of May, mobilizations are taking place around 18th of May, the National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation against Children and Adolescents. In Rio de Janeiro state the campaign was launched with the slogan Sexual violence is...

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Eleonora Menicuccie, Former Minister of Women’s Affairs Ministry  and Jacqueline Pitanguy, former Presidente of the National Council of  Women were interviewed by TVT about the event Construction and dismantling of human rights and policies for wo...

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This important event, organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of São Paulo – IEA USP, brought together on May 14th, 6 women who held, as Presidents of the National Council for the Rights of Women or Ministers of the Secreta...

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In reference to the National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, CEPIA’s monthly Live Trajectories, conversation among women, in this month of May promotes a conversation on how to identify, prevent and combat th...

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As one of the initiatives of the Campaign for the National Day to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation against Children and Adolescents, CEPIA produced the video Do you know the importance of May 18th ?, with Débora Pinheiro and Lucas Marçal. The video ...

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The Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) created a working group bringing together some of its partner organizations in order to identify learning and challenges that each of the organizations has experienced during this pandemic period, with the need...

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CEPIA, in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) and support of EMpower promotes FIPA – International Festival of Thinking and Action: democratism, youth and technology. The Festival, which brings together art, debates and pra...

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At the invitation of the Orlando Villas Boas Public High School, Andrea Romani, Débora Pinheiro and Lucas Marçal participated on a live promoted by the School during the month of May. The live, held on May 25, with the title Breaking the silence: combat...

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The FEPETI/RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor) monthly meeting focused on an evaluation of the activities that were held throughout the month of May, under the campaign to combat sexual abuse and exploitation against children and adolescents. In a col...

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The  Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA-Rio), in Rio de Janeiro, in its monthly Newsletter brought various articles on sexual violence against children and adolescents, highlighting  May 18, the National Day to Combat Ab...

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The course Gender and Law promoted by the Magistrate School of Rio de Janeiro held on May 27th a class on the struggle of Brazilian women for their rights in the 1988 Constitution, presented by Jacqueline Pitanguy, and on their participation in the intern...

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CEPIA held 3 workshops during the month of May with students from the Orlando Villas Boas Public Municipal High School. The workshops called After no,  it hurts my rights. One of the workshops was held with  girls, another with boys and a third bringing...

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During the last week of May, CEPIA published on its social media @partiu papo reto daily videos that addressed the issue of menstruation in poverty, warning about the challenges and inequalities faced by people who menstruate around the world, including a...

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On June 2nd, 14th and 23rd, the Lei Maria da Penha Consortium, formed by Feminist NGOs CEPIA, CFEMEA, CLADEM, THEMIS, activists and researchers who participated in the drafting of the Maria da Penha Law and act in defense of women’s rights, was gath...

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On June 4th, at 4 pm, Brasília time (Brazil), FIPA – International Festival Thinking in Action: democratism, youth and technology will begin, organized by CEPIA in partnership with the Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) and with support from ...

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