The Municipal Plan for Combating Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents of Rio de Janeiro was approved by the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA-Rio) and published in the Official Gazette on December 13, through Deliberation 1452/ 2021.

The elaboration of the Plan was done by  a working group with representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, and also counted on the collaboration of specialists and activists in the defense of the human rights of children and adolescents. CEPIA, represented by Andrea Romani  integrated the technical team in charge of preparing the Plan, which was under the coordination of Maria América Ungaretti Diniz, advisor of CMDCA-Rio.

Structured in 03 strategic axes – Prevention, Attention and Defense and Accountability – the Plan has human rights as its central dimension, understanding that sexual violence against children and adolescents constitutes human rights violations.

After a long journey, the approval of the Plan was an important victory in preventing and fighting sexual violence against children and adolescents and in promoting their sexual and reproductive rights.

To access the Plan click here

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