On December 9th, CEPIA’s General Assembly was held, bringing together its Board of Directors and Assembly of Associates. It was attended by Comba Marques Porto, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Directors Miriam Ventura da Silva, Rosana Heringer and Branca Moreira Alves as well as the Associates Nair Jane de Castro Lima, Sandra Azeredo, Rosane Reis Lavigne, Débora Thomé Costa and Richarlls Martins da Silva. The main activities developed by CEPIA throughout 2021 were presented by its Senior Project Coordinators, Andrea Romani and Mariana Barsted, and by its Communication Coordinator, Karla Oldane, with the participation of Kezia Sampaio, member of CEPIA’s youth team. CEPIA’s Executive Coordinators, Jacqueline Pitanguy and Leila Linhares Barsted, and the Financial Administrative Manager, Marina Gomes Damião, also participated.

The Audited Financial Statement was presented and fully approved by the associates.

During the Assembly, the election of the Board of Directors and the Executive Coordination for the triennium 2022-2025 was carried out.