
On January 21, it took place the  first meeting of 2021 of the working group ahead of the revision of the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents. This meeting, which was attended by representatives of CMDCA-Rio (Municip...

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The ELAS Fund promoted, on the 21st and 22nd of January, the 10th National Dialogue on Sexual Autonomy in order to collectively define a national action strategy in the field of reproductive rights. CEPIA participated in this Dialogue represented by Leila...

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CEPIA starts the year 2021 with the launch of the Manual Habilidades para a Vida: Competências Psicossociais para Adolescentes e Jovens Protagonistas (Manual Skills for Life: Psychosocial Skills for Adolescents and Young Leaders). This Manual was develop...

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The Women’s Safety Commission, of the State Council for the Rights of Women of Rio de Janeiro – CEDIM / RJ held, on January 26th, a meeting to discuss the situation of public policies for women, in particular the situation of health care servi...

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On January 27, the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights from Harvard University held the meeting The State of Human Rights: 2020 Reflections and Lessons Learned. The meeting involved a dialogue between FXB Center Director, Dr. Mary Bassett and Dr Tialen...

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The State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and the Protection of Adolescent Workers (FEPETI-RJ) opened the year 2021, with a retrospective of the various activities carried out throughout 2020, including launching of  campaigns suc...

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The Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Collaborative Practices, on February 3rd, presented the content studied by the group, their actions and reflections in the debate on race and gender. The participating public was made up ...

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In the context of  social isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Internet use has increased significantly. The use by adolescents and young people has also intensified, with new forms of learning and digital sociability. Thinking about it and the vul...

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From December to February, CEPIA’s team participated in a project, in partnership with IPPF and AMAZE, for dubbing and adapting videos focused on puberty and aimed at adolescents and youths. The objective of this project was to adapt 4 (four) AMAZE ...

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Women’s right to vote in Brazil was the result of a long trajectory of women’s struggle for the suffrage. On February 24, 1932 this right was acchieved what represented an important milestone for democracy. In celebration of this achievement, ...

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On February 25th, the monthly meeting of FEPETI-RJ (State Forum for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers) took place. The meeting had as main points of discussion the data on child labor and the construction o...

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CEPIA launches a video E o que é ser bissexual, afinal?  about bisexuality, warning about the importance of respecting the sexual orientation of each person and deconstructing the idea that being bisexual is being sick. The video featured by Débora Pin...

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The Observatory of the Third Sector (Observatório do Terceiro Setor), through the radio Brasil Atual, interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy and Gabriela S Kermessi, from the OAB / São Paulo Commission of Women Lawyer, in a podcast that dealt with different is...

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On March 3rd, Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, participated in the live Chat with Inês Pandeló, talking about the concept of public policies, the inclusion of the paradigm of the universality of individual and social rights in the Brazilian Constitut...

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On March 8, 2021, we salute all women. As Débora Pinheiro says, in the video that CEPIA prepared to mark this date, “there is a huge diversity of women with different perspectives and narratives …. and what do we have in common? The struggle ...

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