
Throughout the months of April the Women´s Learning Partnership (WLP) promotes the online Global Training of Trainers Institute hosted by the partner from Nigeria, CEADER. The Institute, with weekly meetings gather representatives of  WLP partners orga...

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On April 14th, Leila Linhares Barsted, from Cepia, gave a class in the Training Workshops to Support Women in Situation of Domestic Violence project aimed at women in situations of violence and people interested in the theme, promoted by Grupo d’As ...

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CEPIA, in partnership with Casa Dona Amélia, held online and face-to-face workshops throughout the month of April with mothers living in Cidade de Deus, a low income community where Casa Dona Amelia is located. The meetings aimed to create a safe space Â...

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The International Network of Latin American and Caribbean Women  (Red Internacional de Mujeres Latino-americanas y Caribeñas -RIMLAC), will held the Symposium  the Symposium Feminist Presidential Candidates – Chile: electoral scenarios, progressi...

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Participants from the Regional Training of Facilitators (RTOT), promoted by the Women´s Learning Partnership and hosted by Forum Mulher de Moçambique in partnership with CEPIA, produced, during the training, the Video Save the Life of Women: denounce ...

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On April 27, the National Day of Domestic Worker, CEPIA promotes its monthly live Trajectories: conversation between women with the topic Brazilian Social Imaginary and the Reality of the Women Domestic Workers. The conversation, which will take place at ...

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The magazine Revista Rosa published, the article by Jacqueline Pitanguy and Lena Lavinas abortion:  finally a democratic and republican debate, about the need to hold a democratic, plural and secular debate on abortion and reproductive autonomy from a he...

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The 4th ordinary meeting (2021) of the State Forum for the Eradication of Child Labor and Protection of Adolescent Workers (FEPETI / RJ) was held on April 29 and was attended by representatives of several municipalities of Rio de Janeiro State, including ...

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On April 29, the Women´s Learning Partnership (WLP), an international network of which CEPIA is a member, promoted a virtual meeting bringing together representatives of the various partners organizations. The meeting which had as one of the topics of it...

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Covid’s Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, (CPI), does not have any women among its members. In addition to highlighting the discriminatory and sexist nature of the policy, this absence has negative consequences in the work of the Commission, as t...

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From 1985 to 2016, over more than 40 years and in different governments and historical moments, Brazilian federal bodies for the elaboration and management of public policies for women have worked to build greater gender equality and implement policies th...

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CEPIA expresses its most vehement rejection of the way police action was conducted in Jacarezinho, a low income community of Rio de Janeiro. Disregarding the basic citizenship rights of men and women, adults and children living there, the police action re...

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On May 11, the draft version of the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents was presented by Maria América Ungareti, Andrea Romani and Fatima Chammas. The meeting, which brought together counselors from the Municipal Cou...

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