Confined to the domestic space, prohibited from going out on the streets, studying, working, participating in political life,  attending health services, submissive and subjected to domestic violence,  early marriage, rape, maternal mortality. This is how the Taliban regime treated women and girls when it was in power in Afghanistan, a power it has now regained with the failure of the American occupation in the country.

Invisible inside burqas, women and girls die a civil death under the Taliban regime. They will be governed by a radical and fundamentalist interpretation of sharia, a set of laws derived from the Coran.

Even if this situation is an extreme example of the submission of women, we alert to the fact that this is not a point outside the curve because, in several countries, including Brazil, women and girls are constantly threatened with losing rights in the name of a patriarchal culture, supported by the interpretation of sacred texts such as the Bible, or the Gospels.

Women and girls are always the main victims when religion and politics mix in conservative regimes that advocate the curtailment of their rights, and question their full equality in marriage, their right to an education guided by gender equality, and do not respect their sexual and reproductive autonomy. This is happening today in Brazil, where the toxic combination of religion and politics is advancing.

Afghanistan can also be here.