
On March 8th, the Women’s Committee of the Bar Association – Barra promoted the webinar International Women’s Day – Women in Focus, Leila Linhares Barsted, from Cepia, participated as a lecturer discussing the historicity of patria...

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On March 8th, the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistracy (EMERJ) started the 3rd edition of the Post-Graduation Lato Sensu in Gender and Law. Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, emeritus professor of the Course, participated in the Inaugural Class of t...

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The Rio de Janeiro State Magistracy School (EMERJ) promoted on March 11th the webinar “Women with the power to transform” with the participation of judges Adriana Ramos de Mello, president of the Gender, Race and Ethnicity Research Group (NUPEGRE) and...

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CEPIA, throughout the month of March, will promote the cycle of weekly lives Trajectories: conversation among women, on our instagram @cepiacidadania. Each week, a theme, always promoting an intergenerational conversation related to women’s rights, ...

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In the article Serviços de atenção ao aborto previsto em lei: desafios e agenda no Brasil (Abortion services provided by law: challenges and agenda in Brazil),  the Doctors Cristião Rosas and Helena Paro present an overview of legal abortion services...

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The United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, promoted a training activity for the NGOs granted with its call for proposal. The group represent a diversity of agendas aligned with a multi-cultural and plural country like Brazil. With the title On the Trails ...

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From March 15th to the 26th it takes place the 65th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), an annual meeting promoted by the United Nations that brings together world leaders, NGOs, partners of the United Nations and activists from differ...

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The São Gonçalo Literary Festival (FLISGO), in its second edition, is promoting throughout the month of March, a series of events among which the conversation Grios do Feminismo – Trajectories and Achievements of Women in Brazil, with the particip...

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Coordinated by Teresa Valdes the event Is a feminist constitution possible? brought together women candidates for Chilean constituency. The vote will take place on April 11 and all participants presented their priority agendas and strategies on how to in...

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The Course Population and Development in Brazil Today, will take place from March 29 to June 9. It is being held by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Center for Studies on Public Policies and Human Rights (NEPP-DH), in partnership with Brazi...

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Following the weekly lives Trajectories: conversation between women promoted by CEPIA during the month of March, on March 18, we held the live Intersectionals, gender, race and class relations. For this conversation, mediated by Kezia Santos, we had the p...

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At the invitation of the Orlando Villas Boas Municipal Public High School, CEPIA integrated the very special program that the school prepared for this month of March in celebration of the International Women’s Day. Masculinities, self-esteem, machis...

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On March 21, 1960, in South Africa, 20,000 black people were protesting against a law that limited the places they could travel to. The demonstration was peaceful, but army troops fired on the crowd. 69 people died and 186 others were injured in the episo...

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On March 23rd, CEPIA was present at the international webinar “Resistance and feminist solidarity around the world”, represented by Mariana Barsted. This event is the second international webinar organized by the World March of Women and by th...

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On March 23 the Nigerian NGO CEADER in partnership with the Women Learning Partnership  held the panel Amplifying the voices of women in peace building processes, held within the scope of the parallel events of  the 65th edition UN Commission on the Sit...

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