The Fluminense Forum More Women in Politics produced a Technical Note 1 with statistical simulations and a brief analysis on the reservation of 15% of seats for women in Municipal Chambers, Legislative Assemblies and Chamber of Deputies, to contribute to the debate on the Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) no 125/2011.
The analysis is based on the 2018 election results for the Chamber of Deputies and Legislative Assemblies and the 2020 election results for the Municipal Chambers. For reasons of space and time for further investigations, the analysis initially only looked at the general situations of women at the three legislative levels, with a future detailing of these analyses, also with a racial focus, being essential.

Some highlights:
With the exception of the Northeast of Brazil, which concentrates 27% of the country’s population, all other regions already have more than 15% of women elected in the Federal Chamber;
The presence of women in Legislative Assemblies also exceeds an average of 15%. This also applies to 14 states that concentrate 61% of the population;
In Municipal Councils, women are already 16%. The 944 municipalities that do not have elected councilors correspond to 17% of the country’s cities, which comprise 11% of the population.
There is a risk of having a negative balance of 910 seats for women in the City Councils compared to what was already achieved in the 2020 elections. This loss is concentrated mainly in municipalities with up to 15 thousand inhabitants and with more than 1.35 million of people
Any proposal cannot do without preserving what has already been achieved: a minimum of 30% of female candidates, obligatorily filled with application of sanction in case of non-compliance, in addition to the obligation to allocate at least 30% of the electoral fund, of the party background and free electoral propaganda time in political campaigns for women, observing the proportionality of black people.
CEPIA integrates The Fluminense Forum, More Women in Politics, as well as the Diversity Program of Getulio Vargas Foundation University Law Rio, the Postgraduate Studies Program in Social Policies of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), the Center for Studies on Inequalities and Gender Relations of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (NUDERG/UERJ), the Alziras Institute, in addition to the Regional Electoral Attorney of Rio de Janeiro.

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