The  Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA-Rio), in Rio de Janeiro, in its monthly Newsletter brought various articles on sexual violence against children and adolescents, highlighting  May 18, the National Day to Combat Abuse and to Sexual Exploitation against Children and Adolescents. The newsletter brings data from the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro showing that in 2020 there were 1,494 notifications of violence against children aged between 0 and 9 years and, in 2021, in the first quarter there were 410 cases, pointing to girls as the most vulnerable (58.3%) and of the total number of victims, 66% are black and brown.

Andrea Romani was interviewed for the Newsletter talking about the role of the school and the family in combating sexual violence, alerting  about the fact that digital space can also be  risky  and about the impacts of the pandemic increasing the vulnerability of children and adolescents.  This is a paradox: the home is the safe environment against Covid-19 contagion, but it is precisely in the home space where the greatest number of cases of sexual violence occur.

To read the full interview clique here

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