The FEPETI/RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor) monthly meeting focused on an evaluation of the activities that were held throughout the month of May, under the campaign to combat sexual abuse and exploitation against children and adolescents.

In a collective and articulated action, coordinated by CMDCA-Rio (Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents), with the slogan Sexual Violence and Crime. Don’t Omit yourself! Denounce it, activities were carried out in several municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with aiming to give greater visibility to sexual violence against children and adolescents and engage more allies in this struggle. Public and civil society organizations, including CEPIA, participated in this initiative.

The activities carried out by each of the partner organizations were presented during the meeting, with a very positive evaluation of this state campaign that occupied the streets of some cities, following sanitary protocols, illuminated public spaces such as Christ the Redeemer and the City Council, put up posters in metro stations, in addition to a series of meetings, webinars, lives and workshops.

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