Throughout the month of May, mobilizations are taking place around 18th of May, the National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation against Children and Adolescents.

In Rio de Janeiro state the campaign was launched with the slogan Sexual violence is a crime. Do not omit yourself. Denounce it ! Civil society organizations, state government agencies and different municipalities in the state are joining the campaign under the coordination of the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, CMDCA-Rio. Lives, meetings, workshops and billboards posted in Rio de Janeiro’s metro stations are among the activities to be carried out.

CEPIA participated throughout the whole process of planning and organising the campaign and, throughout the month of May, we will promote various activities including lives, workshops with adolescents and video production.

The schedule of activities that taking place in May is available on the website of the CMDCA-Rio.

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