
In commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Maria da Penha Law, the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro promoted, on August 19th, a round of talks as part of its Program Thursdays with the Popular Women Defenders, a project o...

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The National School for the Training of Magistrates – ENFAM, in the context of its Women’s Human Rights Course, promoted on August 25th, a roundtable discussion between judges, in the class Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System, co...

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On August, 25th, Mariana Barsted, representing CEPIA, attended the meeting of the Gender Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law of Rio de Janeiro, IBDFAM RJ, which was attended by the judge of the family court, Dr. Gerardo Carnevale, and Prof...

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  In a celebration of the 15 years of the Maria da Penha Law, CEPIA promoted on August 31st the broadcast live 15 years of the Maria da Penha Law – Behind the Scenes of the Elaboration of Bill 11.340, coordinated by the journalist Mara Regia, o...

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The atlas-violence-2021-v6, organized by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP) portrays violence in Brazil, pointing out an important increase in violent deaths of undetermined cause in 2019. Thi...

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Confined to the domestic space, prohibited from going out on the streets, studying, working, participating in political life,  attending health services, submissive and subjected to domestic violence,  early marriage, rape, maternal mortality. This is h...

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The Women’s Union of São Paulo promoted, on September 4th, the event Commemoration of the 35 Years of the Brazilian Women’s Letter to the Constituents, coordinated by Amelinha Teles, founder of the Women’s Union and Coordinator of the Popul...

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The Permanent Forum on Foreign Policy is organizing the webinar Challenges for democracy and the role of Brazil in Latin America, mediated by Jaime Gazmuri, vice president of the Permanent Forum on Foreign Policy and former Ambassador of Chile in Brazil. ...

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The Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), an international network of women’s organizations from the Global South, gathered representatives from its partner organizations on September 8th and 9th. The meeting included participants from organizat...

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The Diversity Program of the Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) promoted, on September 13th, the webinar Violence Against Women: Types and Differences, which included the participation of Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, and Professors Ligi...

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Cepia expresses its deep regret for the death of Lourdes Bandeira. Her trajectory as a feminist engaged with the affirmation of women’s rights in the Academy, in the social movement and as manager of public policies at the Secretariat of Policies fo...

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The Group for the Analysis of Higher Education Education in Brazil – GEA promoted on September 14th the launching of the book Nilcea Freire, a name in the history of Brazil, as a post-mortem tribute to former Minister Nilcea Freire. This event highl...

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The Permanent Forum of Domestic, Family and Gender Violence of the School of Magistrates of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ) promoted, on September 14, the webinar Psychological Violence against Women – the Law 14.188/2021, coordinated by Judge A...

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Professors Silvia Pimentel, Alice Bianchini, Mônica de Melo are responsible for the Graduate Optional Discipline of Law and Gender, offered by the Faculty of Law at PUC University, from São Paulo. On September 16, the class “Gender Violence agains...

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The Study Group on Abortion (GEA) promotes, on September 25, the  Open Meeting “Sexual Abuse of Children and Adolescents in Brazil and Abortion Provided by Law”. The event, which takes place on the eve of World Day for the Decriminalization o...

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