On March 23 the Nigerian NGO CEADER in partnership with the Women Learning Partnership  held the panel Amplifying the voices of women in peace building processes, held within the scope of the parallel events of  the 65th edition UN Commission on the Situation of Women (CSW65).

The meeting was attended by representatives of Jordan, Nigeria, Turkey, the United States, Kyrgyzstan and Brazil and it promoted a debate on the participation of women in conflict prevention and in peace building and security processes, based on United Nations Resolution 1325. From  different perspectives, the speakers highlighted the need to address the women’s, peace and security agenda from a broader perspective that also considers issues related to patriarcalism, the growth of fundamentalist religious movements, the need for women’s economic empowerment and greater female participation in decision-making spaces. Andrea Romani, participated in the meeting and stressed the importance that peace and security agendas also include peace in the domestic space where women are the main victims of violence. She also highlighted the violence perpetrated by the state resulting in urban armed conflicts that lead to high homicide rates among black youth in Brazil, and the important role that women play in supporting each other pain, in the search for justice and accountability and in recovering the memory of their sons and daughters.

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