The United Nations Population Fund, within the framework of its Regional Spotlight Program, the MESECVI and the CIM of the Organization of American States, held, on December 2nd, the Webinar – Renovando los compromisos para cerrar las brechas de atención de los Servicios Esenciales para Mujeres y Niñas que sufren Violencia – Gaps in State Abilities to Address Violence against Women and Girls. Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, participated as an exhibitor in this Webinar as a member of the MESECVI Specialist Committee.
This Webinar was held within the framework of the 16 days of activism and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, with the aim of identifying some of the gaps in OAS States Parties in prevention, health services, including mental and sexual health and reproductive health, social services and police and judicial services, based on the Third Hemispheric Report on Compliance with the Convention of Belém do Pará prepared by the Committee of Experts – CEVI of MESECVI having as a framework responses to violence against women and girls. Fifteen states in the region were evaluated: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

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