
The second meeting of the Project , a partnership of CEPIA with PSE Carioca (Health on School Program) / Municipal Secretariat of Education was held on August 4th.  The topic of the training was Virtual World: challenges and learnings. A Fiocruz research...

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In celebration of the 14 years of Maria da Penha Law, the Brazilian Law on Domestic Violence (Law 11.340/2006), Jandira Feghali, Federal Deputy and rapporteur of the Maria da Penha Law talked to Leila Linhares Barsted, one of the drafters of the text of t...

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On August 7th, Leila Linhares Barsted, representative of CEPIA, attended, as an exhibitor, a live on Instagram, promoted by the SER ELA Organization, making a historical rescue on the preparation of the Maria da Penha Law. To access the full live click on...

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On August 13rd, Leila Linhares Barsted, member of the Fluminense Forum More Women in Politics and representative of CEPIA, participated in a meeting to plan the III Forum Webinar, to be held on August 20, 2020,on Rights, Funding and Campaign.

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On August 14, Jornal da Cultura (TV Cultura) presented an news on the Brazilian government authorities’ disrespect for women that resulted in a legal Action by the General Attorney’s Office forcing the Union to carry out campaigns to repair th...

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On August 18th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) participated on a livestream on instagram “Women’s achievement: 14 years of the Maria da Penha Law”, as an exhibitor, together with Lieutenant Colonel Cláudia Moraes, having Conceição San...

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CEPIA expresses its solidarity to the 10-year-old girl who is the victim of rape by an uncle and warns of the scale of sexual violence against girls in Brazil and to the helplessness and vulnerability of these victims, prevented by religious forces and se...

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On August 18th, CEPIA held the third meeting of the Project Sharing knowledge and strengthening dialogues in Covid-19 times, a partnership with PSE Carioca (Health on School Program) / Municipal Secretariat of Education. At this meeting, which focused on ...

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On August 19th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) gave the first class on a Course promoted by the State Council for Women’s Rights of Rio de Janeiro – CEDIM / RJ, with the theme Human Rights of Women. This class had the direct participation of 6...

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CEPIA continues to invest in disseminating information about Life Skills to young people. We believe that the development of emotional, social and cognitive capacities can help them to better deal with doubts, uncertainties and dreams so present in the ad...

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On August 20th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) participated, as an exhibitor, in a panel on the Experience of the Feminist Alert for Elections, in the webinar  Registration of Applications and Collective Mandates, promoted by the Fluminense Forum More Wo...

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Sputnik Brasil, on August 19th, presented an article on its medias on  the 10-year-old girl who was victim of rape and had her legal right to terminate her pregnancy denied by a university hospital in Espírito Santo. In an interview with Sputnik Brasil ...

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On August 6th and 20th, CEPIA held the workshops peer to peer a straight talk among youth. These workshops are part of the Project Sharing knowledge and strengthening dialogues in times of Covid-19, a partnership between CEPIA and the Health at School Pro...

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Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) gave the second class on Women’s Human Rights in the Course promoted by the State Council for Women’s Rights in Rio de Janeiro – CEDIM / RJ. This class was attended by 560 people, including representatives ...

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CEPIA, represented by Comba Marquês Porto, President of the Board and Jacqueline Pitanguy and Leila Linhares Barsted, Executive Directors, participate on a TV Program from Canal Brasil that inaugurated a series of debates conducted by Professor Heloísa ...

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