
CEPIA in a joint initiative with Demeter Press and the Federal University of Santa Catarina, through its Departments on Brand Meaning, Information and Organizational Communication (SIGMO) and Gender and History Studies (LEGH), and its Graduate Program in ...

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CEPIA, in partnership with the Municipal Education Secretariat of Rio de Janeiro, through the Health at School Program (SME / PSE), started the online modules of the Project Sharing knowledge and strengthening dialogues in Covid-19 times. The project aime...

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The Collective 4 D (4 Decades of Feminism) met on July 13th to discuss issues related to punitivism in Brazilian culture, in laws and legal practices, as well as issues of inequality and democracy. Jacqueline Pitanguy and Leila Barsted are part of this Co...

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Rural-peasant, indigenous, and agricultural-women continue to face structural inequalities and socioeconomic policies that limit the recognition and full valuationof their reproductive, productive, and community work.3As a result, and although their work ...

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This Monday, July 13th, the Child and Adolescent Statute – ECA (Law 8.069 / 90) turns 30 years old. This Statute is considered one of the most modern in the world with regard to guaranteeing the rights and safety of young people. Melissa Telles Baru...

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The Follow-up Mechanism to the Belém do Pará Convention (MESECVI), of which Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) is a member, expressed to the States of the Region its concern about the measures they would be taking to mitigate the consequences of COVID- 19, ...

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The World Skills Day for Young People is celebrated on July 15th, a date established by the United Nations in 2014. This year, in the context of the pandemic, recognizing and enhancing the skills of young people in the different dimensions of their lives ...

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The second stage of the Strategic Communication Training program from Social Sector Accelerator in partnership with OAK Foudation started today. The meetings will provide opportunities to the organizations, that are part of this netwoork to learn about ne...

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On July 22nd the Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace (WLP) held its second virtual convening gathering partners from Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, among other countries. CEPIA attended the...

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Don’t let yourself be destroyed … Gather new stones and build new poems. Recreate your life, always, always. Remove stones and plant roses and make sweets. Restart. (Cora Coralina) In June, CEPIA celebrates 30 years of a long and productive jo...

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The GEA, Abortion Study Group, held, on July 25th,  a virtual meeting on Reproductive Justice: the impact of the pandemic on pregnancy, with the participation of professionals in medicine, nursing, law, representatives of NGOs and activists for sexual an...

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The “Guidance Booklet for Victims of Hate Speech” is the result of the cooperation agreement for legal practice in human rights signed between the Center for Legal Practice (NPJ) of FGV Law School in Rio and the Center for the Defense of Human...

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Hildete Pereira de Mello and Jacqueline Pitanguy talked about the historical moment of the Constituent Assembly and the achievements of the Brazilian women during a special episode, Women’s Democracy,  of the Novo Normal podcast, promoted by Agora ...

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On August 3rd, Leila Linhares Barsted, representative of CEPIA, participated, as a member, in the Meeting of the Domestic and Gender Violence Forum of the Rio de Janeiro State Magistracy School (EMERJ) to plan the new monthly webinars to be promoted by EM...

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On August 4, Leila Linhares Barsted, lawyer and representative of CEPIA, made the Spoken Allegation on the Supreme Federal Court on the ADPF 600 (the request for non-compliance of basic principles), as a lawyer, for amicus curiae proposed by a group of NG...

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