Throughout the months of May and June, FEPETI / RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor and to Protect the Adolescent Worker) maintained its schedule of monthly meetings. The meetings took place virtually on May 28 and June 26, respectively.

Both meetings were attended by a large number of institutions including the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Rio de Janeiro (CMDCA-Rio), Public Ministry of Labor, Cooperation Agreement, Public Defender Office, Municipal Secretariat of Social Assistance and Human Right and State Education Secretariat, among others. Other organizations, such as the Roberto Marinho Foundation and CEPIA also attended the meeting. CEPIA was represented at both meetings by Andrea Romani. The virtual format of the meetings enabled the presence of representatives from a greater number of municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro, including Niteroi, Belford Roxo, Cabo Frio, Barra do Pirai, São Pedro da Aldeia, among others.

The May meeting focused on the historical recovery of the 20 years of creation of the National Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents and presentations of the various actions carried out in the municipalities in reference to May 18 – National Day to Combat Abuse and to Sexual Exploitation against Children and Adolescents. CEPIA was very active on this agenda and co organized webinars and online meetings during the month of May.

The June meeting focused on the presentation of the municipalities, through the PETI program, on the activities carried out around June 12 – World and National Day against Child Labor.

The next meeting is expected to take place on the last Thursday of the month of July.