Members of Maternal Mortality Committees from different regions of the country mobilize and prepare a Manifesto against the dismantling of the technical area of ​​women’s health and the sexual and reproductive health policies of the Ministry of Health, as a result of the preparation and dissemination of TECHNICAL NOTE nº 16 / 2020-COSMU / CGCIVI / DAPES / SAPS / MS. CEPIA, which is part of the Maternal Mortality Committee of Rio de Janeiro, represented by Jacqueline Pitanguy,  was involved in the mobilizations. This Technical Note was revoked by the federal government, despite being in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Health Ministry itself. It defends mainly the importance of ensuring the functioning of sexual and reproductive health services during the pandemic, especially with regard to family planning. The manifest that can be signed by members of the Maternal Mortality Committees from Brazilian States and Municipalities and by other supporters is available here

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