Today, the 25th of May, FEPETI-RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor and to Protect Adolescent Workers) and the organizations that integrate its working group on sexual violence are holding the  event Different perspectives at the impacts of Covid-19 on sexual violence against children and adolescents, coordinated by CEPIA.

Today’s event is part of the initiatives that are being developed throughout this mont to give visibility to May 18th, the National Day to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents.

The event will gather representatives from different sectors including the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Maria América Ungaretti, the Municipal Department of Education, Aura Liane Pessanha and the Human Rights Commission of Alerj (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro) and Movimento Moleque, Monica Cunha. CEPIA will be represented by Andrea Romani who speaks about domestic violence in times of social isolation and Kezia Yasmin Bandeira who talks, along with Patrick Pereira, about perceptions
of young people on social isolation and the guarantee of rights, in particular sexual rights.

To access the platform and participate in the meeting click here.

* Subject to a maximum capacity of 100 participants

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