
The IAD, Inter American Dialogue is an organization that brings together people from the Americas and the Caribbean from different sectors such as politics, academia, journalism, CSOs and companies, with the aim of strengthening democracy and the rule of ...

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Over three decades of activism for women’s human rights, CEPIA has, in the past six years, incorporated a specific program aimed at training and empowering adolescents and young people, involving girls and boys. As a member of the State Forum for th...

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Communication is a strategic tool for advocacy actions. With this theme, Karla Oldane, from CEPIA’s communication team, participated on May 21st, of the “connected live” on the @mulheresdefrente channel. In the chat, Karla spoke a little...

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The Humanity Rising Summit, an international event that starts today, May 22nd, brings together leaders and activists from around the world to debate the impacts of our lifestyles and how we can build a more sustainable and equitable world. The opening se...

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Closing the series of activities developed during the month of May around the National Day to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents, FEPETI-RJ (The State Forum to Combat Child Labor and Protect Adolescent Workers), through its working gr...

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Today, the 25th of May, FEPETI-RJ (State Forum to Prevent Child Labor and to Protect Adolescent Workers) and the organizations that integrate its working group on sexual violence are holding the  event Different perspectives at the impacts of Covid-19 on...

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On May 27th Mariana Barsted and Andrea Romani, CEPIA’s project coordinators, participated in the “live connected” on the @mulheresdefrente channel. During the chat they talked about how women are being affected during social isolation, the divis...

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Diversity and Inclusion Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Collaborative Practices On May 29th, occurred the first meeting of the Diversity and Inclusion Commission, of the Brazilian Institute of Collaborative Practices (IBPC), coordinated by  lawy...

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CEPIA together with a group of organizations prepared subsidies to the Federal Court of Justice (STF), through the figure of the amicus curiae, or friend of the court, which attest to the violation of basic rights in laws that prohibit the gender approach...

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Humanity Rising is an international initiative that, throughout June, will discuss different topics related to responses to Covid 19, organizing webinars and posting texts. See the link below for Jacqueline Pitanguy’s comments on the dimensions she ...

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A BIRREGIONAL ARTICULATION AGAINST FEMINICIDES AND OTHER VIOLENCES AGAINST WOMEN promoted on June 2nd, the III Online Bi-regional Seminar – Life Care: Analysis of policies and community resistance against violence, in the framework of Covid 19. This Sem...

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Today, June 3rd, occured the 81st Meeting of the Permanent Forum on Domestic, Family and Gender Violence at the Magistracy School of Rio de Janeiro State (EMERJ), with the theme “Violence and women’s access to justice in time pandemic Covid-19...

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I can not breath. Those were George Floyd’s last words. CEPIA is in solidarity with everyone who, like George Floyd, cannot breathe because structural racism makes the air toxic, suffocating and lethal. It is in solidarity with Brazilians black men ...

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The international organization Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP), that gather 20 autonomous organizations, including CEPIA, published a solidarity statement with the movement Black Lives Matter. WLP Statement in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter T...

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On June 4, the first (virtual) Transnational Partners Convening took place, gathering representatives of the various organizations that are part of the international Women’s Learning Partnership (WLP) network, in addition to representatives of its B...

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