
On November 17 TV Justiça interviewed Jacqueline Pitanguy from CEPIA and Professor Maíra Zapater in the Programa Direito Sem Fronteira (Law Without Borders) which will be broadcast in December on the occasion of the celebration of the international day ...

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The Permanent Forum on Domestic, Family and Gender Violence of the Rio de Janeiro State Magistracy School (EMERJ), in conjunction with the Gender, Race and Ethnicity Research Center (NUPEGRE), promoted on the 16th, the webinar The culture of rape in Brazi...

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CEPIA, in partnership with NAM – Center for Adolescent Multipliers -, is developing a series of workshops with students from public high schools from Rio de Janeiro, involving the 11 Regional Education Coordinators (CREs). The proposal is to involve...

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The Ministry of Women, Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aires promoted on November 18th, the webinar Indispensable Dialogues – Reflections on gender violence since feminism in the Southern Cone with the aim of rescuing ...

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The Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace (WLP) celebrates its 20th Anniversary of a joint effort to empowering and promote  women’s leadership around the world. This celebration was part of its annual Transnational Pa...

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Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, participated, as a member of MESECVI, in the meeting of the Consultative Council of the Experts Committee of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women, which took ...

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CEPIA expresses its rejection to the murder of João Alberto Silveira Freitas, beaten to death at the Carrefour supermarket in Porto Alegre. CEPIA expresses repudiation to the structural racism established in a culture that is originated in violence, in t...

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Cepia invites you to watch the film “It is Up to Us”. Produced by  WLP (Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Development and Peace), the film provides insights on how women have been affected by cross-cutting injustices and how women...

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Today, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, initiates the 16-day International Campaign for Activism to end Violence Against Women. CEPIA joins the multiple initiatives developed in Brazil and in other regions to put an end...

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The National School for the Training of Magistrates (ENFAM), on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, promoted, on November 25th, the Webinar Gender and Human Rights of Women, coordinated by Judge Adriana Ramos de Melo of th...

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Through November 25 to December 10, CEPIA will post stories of women on its social media. Women who have suffered gender violence, women victims of femicide and women activists to end all forms of  violence. The campaign takes the name Stories Without Ma...

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The 9th edition of the Training of Trainers: empowerment and political participation of women was held from the 16th to the 25th of November. This is an annual initiative of CEPIA in partnership with Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights Developme...

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FIOCRUZ, within its Orange Agenda More Girls, promoted the Webinar Distracted browsing – (Un) Safe Digital Spaces?, which took place on November 28th. Kézia Santos, from CEPIA’s youth team, was one of the exhibitors and presented the various ...

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Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA, followed the Open Meeting on Violence Against Women as an expression of sexism and racism; abortion and feminicide, which took place on November 28th, promoted by the Abortion Study Group – GEA and with the partic...

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The United Nations Population Fund, within the framework of its Regional Spotlight Program, the MESECVI and the CIM of the Organization of American States, held, on December 2nd, the Webinar – Renovando los compromisos para cerrar las brechas de ate...

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