With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing need to stay at home, CEPIA, through its social media @Partiu Papo Reto, aimed at teenagers and young people, and @Cepia Cidadania, more focused on the adult public, has been investing in the production and dissemination of content and information on the importance of restricting the circulation of people to reduce the circulation of the virus, personal hygiene care, mental health, digital security, support materials on domestic and sexual violence, among other topics.
In this moment of lockdown, which has provoked many doubts and reflections, CEPIA considers it important to strengthen ties with women and young people by sharing Covid’s social, physical and emotional impacts.
Through cards, stories and other sharing materials, CEPIA seeks to inform, welcome, raise awareness and strengthen women, adolescents and young people so that they experience this period in an informed, conscious and supportive manner.


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