
On August 27th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) taught a class on Gender Violence in the Regional perspective – Inter-American Convention of Belém do Pará, an optional discipline for students on Law, Gender and Equality, from the Faculty of Law of ...

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The Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Rio de Janeiro (CMDCA-Rio) organized the event Sexual violence against children and adolescents: the right to prevention. The meeting, which took place on August 26, was held within the s...

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On August 28th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) taught a class on Sexual Violence Against Girls, aimed especially at young adolescent students and school teachers at the Centro Educacional Anísio Teixeira – CEAT. The class highlighted the importance...

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On August 28th, the Rio de Janeiro State Police Academy – ACADEPOL / RJ promoted a Webinar on Gender Violence aimed at Civilian Police and invited Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) to teach a class on Women’s Human Rights. Also present at this we...

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In conversation with the Independent Movement 50-50 of  Lawyers from the South of Brazil ( Movimento Independente 50-50 de Advogadas Gaúchas), Jacqueline Pitanguy from CEPIA talked about the participation of women in the Constituent Assembly, and her ex...

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On September 2nd, CEPIA participated, represented by Debora Silva, at the first planning and presentation meeting of Rede RAAM – Network to support women victims of violence in Maré Community. The RAAM collective was formed out of a concern to equi...

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On September 3rd, CEPIA’s team participated in the Webinar “Dialogues on the Maria da Penha Law: Gender education”, promoted by Consórcio Lei Maria da Penha. The 2nd Meeting of the webnário Dialogues on the Maria da Penha Law addressed...

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CEPIA signs a manifesto against Ordinance  No. 2,282 of the Ministry of Health that remove rights guaranteed to girls, adolescents and adult women victims of rape, making their access to abortion in public health services very difficult. Among the points...

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On September 2nd, CEPIA held its Ordinary Assembly. The meeting, which took place on a virtual basis, aimed at presenting to its associates and associates CEPIA’s activities and projects as well as its financial statements, which was fully approved....

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Brazil’s foreign policy has been allying itself with ultraconservative Islamic countries with regard to sexual and reproductive health and rights of Brazilian women. Jacqueline Pitanguy addresses this issue in her article The crusade against Brazili...

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On September 10th, still celebrating the 14th anniversary of the Maria da Penha Law, the Consortium Lei Maria da Penha promoted the webinar “The feminist legal project in Brazil the Maria da Penha Law and the Feminicide Law”. Leila Linhares Ba...

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On September 14-18th, Leila Linhares Barsted, representing CEPIA, participated in the 4th International Conference on Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems, which brought together more than 800 participants from 89 countries, online, to move forward, with...

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On September 16th, the Research Group on Gender, Race and Ethnicity (NUPREG) of the Rio de Janeiro State School of Magistracy (EMERJ) promoted the webinar “Sexuality and Reproduction in Brazilian Law”, within the Cycle of Debates on Rights Rep...

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On September 15, the Module 1 of the Project Sharing Knowledge and strengthening dialogues in the context of Covid-19, a partnership between CEPIA with the Department of Education, through the Health at School Program (PSE) was concluded. The meeting that...

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On September 17th, CEPIA’s team participated in the Webinar “The Struggle for the End of Violence against Women”, promoted by Consórcio Lei Maria da Penha. The 4th Meeting of Webinar “Dialogues on the Maria da Penha Law” was...

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