
The newspaper El País publish, on October 21st, the article “Defense of honor” in 2020? The Supreme Court cannot turn its back on women “, by Fabiana Cristina Severi, Leila de Andrade Linhares Barsted and Silvia Pimentel. “In a ca...

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On October 22nd occurred the Webinar on Violence Against Women, promoted by the Superior School of Law / Brazilian Bar Association. Leila Linhares Barsted, representing CEPIA, participated, as an exhibitor, in the theme “Law Maria da Penha and Conve...

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On October 21 was held the a meeting for the Working Group involved in the revision of the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents in Rio de Janeiro. The meeting aimed to debate the axis of attention of the Plan and it wa...

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Elas no Congresso is an initiative of Revista AzMina that aims to monitor the rights of women in the legislative branch based on public data from the National Congress. The law projects are analyzed and scored, using as reference the evaluation carried ou...

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Praia dos Ossos is a podcast produced by Rádio Novelo, which retrieves the story of Ângela Diniz, murdered, in 1976, by Doca Street, her companion. Throughout the legal process Doca Street  who was a confessed murder became the victim of crime based on...

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Praia dos Ossos is a podcast that, in 8 programs, recovers the murder of Angela Diniz by her partner Doca Street and raises fundamental questions about patriarchy, machismo, women’s sexuality and the justice that condemns the victim in the name of m...

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On October 28th, Leila Linhares Barsted (CEPIA) taught a class on the online Course Democracy, Inequality and Rights of the Common Knowledge Project aimed at giving visibility to the conquests of civil, political and social rights in Brazil and the involv...

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Beginning in October, Brazil’s federal government halved the monthly emergency payments it had provided to the country’s poor during the pandemic, to about $54. The administration of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro says it plans to keep par...

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The Consortium Lei Maria da Penha worked on the drafting of the Maria da Penha Law draft. Since the beginning of the work, the Consortium has been committed to drafting a law that corresponds to the international recommendations for the defense of women&#...

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On October 29, the monthly meeting of FEPETI/RJ was held. Given the impossibility of holding face-to-face meetings since the beginning of 2020, the meetings were held on an online basis what enabled the participation of a greater number of municipalities ...

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The working group in charge of reviewing the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents  held its monthly meeting on October 28. In addition to its members, this meeting was attended by Lídia Rodrigues, a social educator a...

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In a newspaper report on the increase in cases of femicide in Brazil, the newspaper O Globo and the newspaper Extra, on October 31st, published an article with an interview with several experts on this topic, among them Leila Linhares Barsted, from CEPIA,...

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CEPIA expresses its indignation and perplexity with the performance of the defense, the prosecutor and the judge on trial in the Santa Catarina justice in September when a rapist was acquitted with the creation of a non-existent figure in the  life and i...

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CEPIA’s team met, virtually, on November 9th to evaluate the development of its activities, lessons learned, perspectives for new projects and to share resilience strategies being adopted by the team during Covid-19 pandemic.

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The Working Group (WG) responsible for revising the Municipal Plan to Combat Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents held, on November 11, a meeting on Sexual Rights,  as Human Rights, having a speaker Vanessa Leite. This meeting, moderated by A...

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