
The EM Power, The Emerging Market Foundation, is promoting, for its partner organizations in Latin America, including CEPIA, 4 virtual meetings, conducted by the Argentinian organization Faro Digital, on themes related to the digital space, focusing on th...

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With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the growing need to stay at home, CEPIA, through its social media @Partiu Papo Reto, aimed at teenagers and young people, and @Cepia Cidadania, more focused on the adult public, has been investing in the pro...

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The Inter American Dialogue (IAD), an organization that promotes dialogue and debate on relevant issues of politics, economics and human rights in the Americas and of which Jacqueline Pitanguy, is a member, organized an online event on Covid-19 and Human ...

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The Rio de Janeiro section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), through its Women Directory, asked that the emergency protective measures, already granted,for women in situations of domestic violence be automatically extended and that the new ones be o...

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Continuing work during the period of social isolation, on May 5th, Leila Linhares Barsted, CEPIA’s Executive Coordinator, participated, in a virtual meeting, of the Maria da Penha Law Consortium for Confronting All Forms of Gender-Based Violence Aga...

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The UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), along with ABEP (Brazilian Association of Population Studies)  are organizing the webinar Gender violence and Covid-19: evidence, surveillance and attention that will take place on May 6th at 3 pm at the youtub...

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As the number of people with COVID-19 in Africa continue to rise, and governments imposes strict lockdown measures including states of emergencies, it has become increasingly apparent that similar to other parts of the world, women are most likely to bear...

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The Organization of American States (OAS), through the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), has released the document “COVID-19 in Women´s Lives: Reasons to Recognize Differential Impacts.” The document, which responds to the needs that the CIM ...

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The Center for Studies in Law and Inequality and the group of access to justice at the Ribeirão Preto Law School, from University of São Paulo, promoted, on May 6th, the first class of the “Cycle of debates and training in Gender, inequalities and...

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In an unfair society and often with questionable priorities, CEPIA took advantage of this sensitive moment when people are all in social isolation due to the pandemic of the covid-19, to honor real women, mothers, matriarchs, our female references in thei...

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In this context of isolation due to Covid-19, we see an increase on the number of cases of domestic violence in Brazil and worldwide. CEPIA relaunches its Start Listening campaign, directed to facebook and Instagram, alerting about the difference  that e...

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May 15th is the International Family Day, marked by the recognition of the existence of the plurality of families that organize themselves based on people’s freedom and concrete experiences. It is not the day of the conservative family, closed in a ...

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May 18th  is the day that marks the struggle for the human rights of children and adolescents in the fight against sexual violence. In 2020 we are celebrating  the 20th anniversary of that date, instituted by Federal Law No. 9,970 of 2000. Despite all t...

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Along the initiatives around  May 18th, National Day to Combat Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents,  the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA/RJ) prepared a special edition of its monthly newsle...

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Since the first weeks of the pandemic,  CEPIA’ s team has been developing videos for IGTv and stories on different topics as a way of keep connected with our audiences. The videos include the Tô de Quarentena (I am in quarantine) series, with them...

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