
On Monday, December 16th, CEPIA, represented by Lucas Marçal and Debora Pinheiro, attended the graduation of the youth from the organization Cruzada do Menor. Throughout 2019 CEPIA developed a series of workshops with the adolescents of this organization...

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Henrique Dodsworth Municipal School held the graduation event of its students and CEPIA was invited to attend it. The ceremony took place on December 18 and brought together students from 9th grade, as well as their families, teachers and school staff. CE...

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In early December CEPIA was surprised by a social media post by the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, in which she attacked Jacqueline Pitanguy in an offensive and morally unacceptable manner, because Jacqueline defended women’s reproducti...

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CEPIA expresses its regret for the death of Nilcea Freire who, throughout her life, acted with great commitment and competence in strengthening human rights in Brazil. Nilcea was the dean of UERJ (State University of Rio de Janeiro), when she played a key...

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