On November 27th, a meeting was held with representatives of the organizations that participated in the planning and development of the Event Let’s Combine: Youths and Subjectivities in Prevention of STDs / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, held by the Rio de Janeiro State Health Secretariat – IST / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Department. The meeting aimed to evaluate the event and plan future activities to be held by the organizations that attended the event. Representatives of the State Health Secretariat, the Health Program at the Duque de Caxias School (PSE), the Shameless Project (Projeto Sem Vergonha), Connection G, CEDAPS, among others, were gathered. CEPIA was represented by AndreaRomani and Débora Silva. Each institution presented its action plan with activities to be carried out after the event. The moment was very rich with exchanges and insights shared among the participants.

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