The book Tecendo fios das críticas feministas ao direito no Brasil (Feminist Analysis of Brazilian Law) was launched this Monday (9th) at Espaço Cultural STJ (Superior Court of Justice), an event that gathered about 150 people. The work was organized by the Maria da Penha Law Consortium for Fighting All Forms of Gender Violence against Women with the aim of evaluating the law under the critical eye of feminist theories. At the time, the study of the feminist perspective went through the fields of constitutional,labor,administrative, criminal, criminal procedural and human rights, encompassing discussions about sexual rights and reproductive rights.
Leila Linhares Barsted is one of the authors.

The publication gathered the content of the discussions held during a workshop with the same name of the book, held in May 2017 at the School of the Public Prosecution Service (ESMPU). Promoted by the Corporate School (Ecorp) of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the launch was part of the activities of the (Programa Equilibra) Equilibra Program, instituted to strengthen women’s participation in the Court.
To know more:
Source: STJ News

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